Chrysler Repair: spacer on cam position sensor, inner cavity, precise thickness

We were doing basic troubleshooting after the information that you and Roland relayed.  We removed the cam sensor and noticed the spacer was no longer on it nor can it be found in the cavity where the sensor goes into.  We were wondering if the spacer is supposed to separate and sink into the inner cavity or if it is supposed to stay on the sensor or in between the sensor and the initial plate in the cavity?

Hi Ed,
The spacer that was originally on the tip of the sensor is made of paper of a precise thickness and the idea is that when you install it the tip is pressed against the surface of the cam sprocket and gradually wear away as the sprocket rotates, leaving the actual tip at a close but not touching distance from that surface. So it is not surprising that you don't find it. Just ask at a dealer parts counter for another spacer to put on the end of the sensor. Perhaps you can get one at a trade-level auto parts counter as well.