QuestionQUESTION: Hi,
I had these two codes come up (P0140-O2 sensor circuit no activity detected bank 1 sensor 2 & P0161-O2 sensor heater circuit bank 2 sensor 2). How do I go about fixing this problem? I don't think that my O2 sensors are bad, but that there is a problem with the circuit. I just don't know how to determine exactly what is wrong and to fix it. Can you help me out? In your answer, can you tell me exactly where the bank 1 sensor 2 and bank 2 sensor 2 are located? Thank you very much.
ANSWER: #1 cylinder is bank one the cyl that is closest to the belts is #1. U will need a volt meter and a scanner that can read the 02 voltage.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
Thanks for your answer. I was able to test the circuits, and just as I expected, the sensors themselves were good, but the wiring in the electrical connectors did not have good contact. I have fixed the problem, and after a number of days and over 120 miles, the check engine light has not lit up. However, I visited a smog station to try to get my car smogged, but they said that there are several smog readiness monitors that have not completed their tests. So my question is whether you can tell me what driving conditions I need to have in order for these smog readiness monitors to successfully complete the required tests. I have driven in stop-and-go traffic, on the freeways, and through the city for over 120 miles over a period of 3-4 days. I'm just trying to speed up this process so that I can pass smog as soon as possible. I'm sorry that this question is kind of long, but I would appreciate your help. Thanks in advance.
AnswerI cant describe to u how to drive it for each test a dealer scanner is hooked up and then there are flags to have set at certain drive conditions in order to get the tests to pass.
Drive it in stop and go traffic high way driving above 55 staying at say 65 on flat road for about 5 min