Chrysler Repair: Replace 2000 Chrsyler Concord Reading Bulb, travel information center, fuse box
QuestionI've gone to the dealership and they don't know how to replace the passenger side reading lamp bulb. It's only one unit with a one screw. My husband tried to bring the unit down but was afraid he couldn't get it back up again, so he put everything back together. It's not in the owner's manual on how to replace the reading bulb. Can you tell me how to do it and/or a diagram to follow? Thanks.
AnswerHi Evelyn,
If the bulb is inside the overhead console then you must remove the console. If there is a single screw toward the windshield side, remove that screw, then grasp the front edge of the consoled and pull straight down to release the retaining clips, and finally disconnect the wires. If you have the travel information center as well then there are four screws to release that and the reading (map) lamp wire connector. To replace the bulb you have to remove the socket from the mounting and then the bulb is accessible. This instruction is from the '98 manual. (The '04 manual is essentially identical but after you remove the screw, instead of pulling down on the front of the module you grasp the sides with your finger tips and pull straight down to release clips at the rear. Then disconnect the wire connectors. But I believe the '98 manual is the one applicable to your '00 car.)
He would want to remove fuse 19 from the fuse box behind the driver's side end cap of the dash so as to be working with a 'cold' set of wires when removing and changing the bulb.