Chrysler Repair: How to replace a drivers side mirror:LH body, 2001 chrysler concorde, tongue depressor
QuestionI have a 2001 Chrysler Concorde and a deer hit the side of my car and ripped off the mirror...I have a replacement mirror...How do I replace it?
AnswerHi Sheli,
The '99 and '04 manuals I have are not too specific about the details, but it appears to me that there is a triangular-like panel on the inside where the mirror is located which clips into the frame. If you pry gently around the edges of that panel with a tongue depressor or similar wooden stick you should be able to get that to pop out (but check to see if there are any screws). Once you have that removed (and detach the speaker if there is one), the power plug can be released (gently push lock-tab on edge of plug and pull) and then there should be several screws that hole the inner panel in place, and then nuts to unscrew that hold the mirror to the window frame. Let me know if that is not the case, for example that it involves removing the door trim panel itself or the window frame, and I can give you the details on those parts. But I hope the small cover panel directly opposite the mirror mounting point will be all that you have to remove.