Chrysler Repair: 95 Concorde Drivers Window Slipped Off Track, postal mail, bottom edge

Hi Roland,
You helped me with another problem and I really appreciated your advice. Last night my driver's side window slipped off track and we can't get it back by pulling on it. The motor still works but I guess we need to remove the door panel to get at the window. Can this be done without too much problem and how do we go about it?

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Hi Cindy,
There are a number of steps and figures that are too much to type in. I have the '94 manual that I believe applies to your '95, and the '98 which probably doesn't apply. If you would like I will copy and postal mail you the pages that show how to get the trim panel off and also about the mechanism that operates the glass. Let me know a postal mailing address. Do verify that there is a map packet in the door and that the speaker in the door is directly adjacent to the bottom edge of the door trim panel, with little or not panel material separating the edge of the speaker from the edge of the panel; then I will be certain that the '94 manual is applicable.
I think you can fix this, with the proper instruction manual pages.