Chrysler Repair: 1997 concorde blinker arm replacement, licensed mechanic, electrical plugs
QuestionHow easy is it to replace the blinker arm on a 1997 Concorde. My son's jacket pocket got caught on it, and broke it off. (its hanging there : ) Is this something easily fixed, or requires a licensed mechanic to tackle. Thanks!
AnswerHi Wendy,
The item is called the multi-function switch. It is easy to replace yourself if that is necessary due to the damage. To do so, it would be good disconnect the - post clamp from the battery but not a requirement. In any case, you would remove the steering column tilt lever (look at the lever attachment through the port in the shroud that surrounds the column. Then unscrew the several screws on the underside of the column shoud, and that will allow you to remove the upper and lower shrouds. That gives you access to the multi-function switch and the screws that hold it to the steering column and also to the electrical plugs which you would remove from the switch by pulling (and check for a small tab on each which you would gently lift to allow for release of the plug from its socket. Installation is the reverse. You might want to examine the old unit to see if it can be repaired so as to save on the cost of a new one.