QuestionQUESTION: Hi, I am having trouble with having no power on acceleration at low throttle but it kicks in at wide open throttle. i just changed the transmission and i have to break it in properly but it wont allow me to do it due to this issue. At firs the car was cranking but not starting until i checked everything over and realized it was the crankshaft position sensor( must have got dinged during install of trans) i take the sensor out and bend it back into shape. the car starts but its idling terrible.. drops below 650 and goes lower and lower until it dies... i touch the throttle and it revves fine... on my durango i don't have any o2 sensors just a simulator and a free flow exhaust. as i was checking for problems i unplugged the throttle position sensor and got a DTC for that.. as im checking the code i get a 02sensor high voltage, 02 sensor heater core, and a TPS. is there anything i can do such as timing advance or retard to fix this? thanks for your time, Alex
ANSWER: Hi Alex,
I don't have any experience/manuals for the truck engines, but when you describe those symptoms it would lead me to suggest that you check out the functioning of the exhaust gas recirculation valve if you have one on the engine. If so, try lubing the stem where it enters the valve body with some WD-40 and moving the stem back and forth via the slot in the stem using the tip of a screwdriver.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Im not sure if i have an egr valve, if i do where would it be?
ANSWER: Look at both exhaust manifold if this is V engine, or at the only exhaust manifold and see if you find a small pipe that branches off the manifold and runs toward the throttle body. If so, along that pipe you will find a valve that is vacuum operated that controls the back flow of gas to the throttle area. If you don't have a distributor you can't change the timing, but I am not compentent in the truck engine area.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: oh then i definatley don't its just headers going down and no pipes connected to the trottlebody or intake manifold. could the be something with the throttle position sensor? oh and another thing i forgot to say was as its sputtering out at low throttle i hear really loud engine knock and the car kinda slows down and sputters.. but when i let go of the pedal engine works fine picks up speed...
AnswerHappy New Year, Alex!
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Check the continuity of the resistance of the TPS using an ohmmeter. Put the leads between the center pin and either side pin and verify that the resistance changes smoothly from full closed to full open and with no discontinuities in the reading. If that checks out, then the TPS is probably not your problem.