Chrysler Repair: 1996 dodge neon overheated last night now cranks but wont start, dodge neon, crank sensor
QuestionMy girfriend's 96 dodge neon overheated last night on the way home. I let it cool down overnight and tried to start vehicle up after checking the level in the radiator. You would hear it crank up but it would not start. The battery appears to be in good condition, no wires appeared out of place. I starting thinking about maybe the cam and/or crank sensor, but I am not sure about that. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.
Answerneon overheated last night
this is what U need to look into a cam or crank sensor would have nothing to do with this was it running b4 it over heated? "yes" then a sensor is not an issue.
U now get to check into head issues or valve issues.