Chrysler Repair: 2005 t/c: no door lock/dome lights/radio, fender roland, check fuse

no radio no door locks no dome lights.  turn the key to start positon now have door locks dome light intsrument panel flips out then resets.  starts fine no check engine light. no radio even after engine is running.  turn key to off position and instrument panel thinks engine is still running, ie... tach is still up gas gauge reads full some lights stay on eventually turns off

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Hi Rich,
Check fuse #14. It is not exactly clear what is/isn't working when, but that is a place to start.
The gauges don't go to zero normally when you turn off the ignition, so there is nothing unusual about that. About the radio, check fuse #5. These fuses are in the box under the hood on the driverside inner fender.