Chrysler Repair: 1996 t&c van, code translation, check fuel
Questionwas driving along when van just stopped running. towed it home and check fuel pump and fuel pressure up to the plugs. everything was good. Check coil system and found that I have the 12v steady but the other 3 wiring are not pulsing. what can I check next?
AnswerHi Mike,
Try the ignition switch:"on-off-on-off-on and leave on" doing that in 5 seconds or less elapsed time. Then watch the check engine light which remains 'on' to see it begin to flash, pause, flash, etc. Count the flashes before each pause. Then repeat to assure an accurate count.
Then combine the counts in pairs in the order of appearance. The last pair should be 5 in each which is 55 which is the code for end of readout. The other number before that are fault codes. Go for a code translation. Then get back to me for further advice.