Question1992 chrysler new yorker fifth avenue. I have removed the heater blower motor/fan. I cut the wires at the old assembly and now have about 6 inches of wire left in the car. the wires that are left in the car are green and black and the new motor/fan assy are black and orange. Do I wire black to black and green to orange? Also is the heater resistor located in the windshield washer area?
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Hi Mary Jo,
Yes, black to black would be usual, so green to orange is probably correct. If the blower sucks air instead of blowing air then reverse it.
The resistor block is indeed behind the washer reservoir. You have to remove the air intake grille (4 screws) and then disconnect the plug located behind the reservoir, and remove the 2 screws that hold it in place and pull it out of the air intake plenum. Be sure that the resistor coils of the replacement unit don't touch one another. (This is from the '91 manual that no doubt also applies to your '92.