Chrysler Repair: 2002 Minivan Blower Motor Resister, blower motor resister, pin plug
QuestionI read a previous question about the blower motor only running on high and no other speed. This is exactly our problem. We located the resister in the glovebox and took it out and it appears not to have power. The question is: Where can this be purchased besides a car dealer? Do regular auto supply house carry this product?
AnswerHi Marvin,
I have heard from others that regular parts supply houses also carry the blower motor resistors, but bring along the old one to compare it for fit. Also, when you say 'it appears not to have power', I assume that there is 12V coming to the plug on the dark green wire of the two pin plug, and on the dark blue/gray wire on pin 1 of the 6-wire plug, but no voltage on pins 2,3,5,and 6. That would be a sign of a blown resistor within the block. It would be present however only when you have the switch in one of the blower operating positions.