Chrysler Repair: Turn Signals/ Hazards not working: 01 T&C, fuse box, hazard switch
QuestionQUESTION: I have a 2001 town & country with an issue that when you use turn or four ways they flash on dash but not out side and there is no loud switch sound from dash are either. It also takes out dash cluster when this happens. Can it be flasher switch? Where is it found? I looked in all the places I would have put it. I got it to work for a bit after banging on dash and hazard switch areas ! thanks in advance
ANSWER: Hi Tony,
It appears to me, based upon the '02 manual that there is no flasher and that the pulsing of the lights is all controlled at the body control module. The circuit is fairly simple so I don't see anything other than a short circuit to ground of one of the bulbs at any of the four corners of the van that would cause your problem. This is on the assumption that your '01 is like the '02 (e.g. has no fuse box under the dash and all the fuses/relays are intergrated into a single box in the engine compartment).
On the other hand, if the '01 still has the underdash fuse box (as begun in the '98 model year), then there is a flasher unit located just below the full-width row of 10 positive temp coefficient sockets (approx. 5 in use), and it would be the largest relay on the right as it is a combo for flashing and daytime running lamps. So let me know what you find to be the case for your '01 model, please.
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QUESTION: hi there is no fuse box under dash so it may be same as 02 !So whay does the sound of the blinker change when the lights are working ? Is it still some sort of flasher relay ??
AnswerHi Tony,
If you don't have the trailer mod (which does have relays since it has to also run trailer lights) then there are no relays in your situation that I can see in the circuit and none in that single box under the hood. Again, I wonder if you have a short in one of the blinker/turn filament wires or a bulb filament proper. Do you have an ohmmeter? I can describe where to make measurements if you do. Thanks for corroborating the set-up.