Chrysler Repair: 00 Cirrus blows ignition fuse, chrysler cirrus, 2000 chrysler cirrus

Hello ,  my 2000 Chrysler cirrus wont start every time i turn to start  if blows the  20amp ignition fuse , i tried replacing the fuse 3x it blows it after i  swap it out  wont even fully start

Hi Scott,
Do you mean fuse #8 in the power distribution box under the hood? If so, then that one powers several possible devices: the starter solenoid switch and the fuel pump (both controlled by relays), and three sections of the ignition switch which operate in the 'run' position of the ignition switch, and also two of those sections draw from the fuse in the start position. So there are lots of possible causes.
Does the fuse blow immediately when you try the starter position or does it blow when the key is in the run position?
Do you have access to an ohm-meter? If so, you could check the downstream side of the fuse (the socket that is toward the left fender) and see what resistance it shows to ground in the run position with/without the fuel pump relay in place.
Then see what it reads if you individually pull fuses 10 and 11 in the same box, and fuses 14, 15, and 17 in the box behind the left end cap of the dash in the 'run' position and see if any one of those fuses when removed causes the resistance reading (ohms) to jump up significantly when you have the key in the run position.
We have to find a fuse which when pulled causes the resistance on the downstream side of fuse 8 to go up above 1 ohm when measured between the outside pin socket of fuse 8 and ground.