QuestionQUESTION: i have a 97 dodge caravan 3.3 i have fuel pressure, cranks over swapped relays around new cam and crank sensor, new pcm, new coil pac, the van will sometimes spark once then only crank at the same time the injectors get one pulse then only cranks, i have also checked for a shorted injector and didnt find anything wrong, ignition switch works properly, not sure where else to go.
ANSWER: Hi Jeff,
Because the spark occurs once as do the injectors, that means the ASD relay is not staying closed. That suggests that the pcm is not getting good signals from the crank or cam sensor which is the criterion for the ASD to stay closed. I would suggest that you test the signals from the two sensors to see if they oscillate between 5 and 0.3V several times for every revolution of the crank, while the ignition is in 'run' and you turn the cranks by hand using a socket and ratchet on the crank pulley bolt. That may reveal which sensor is not doing its job. Use fine straight pins to pierce through the insulation to probe the wires for your meter connection. The signal ground wire is light blue/black and the signal wire is tan/yellow for the cam and gray/black for the crank. If those are ok, or even before doing the sensors tests, you could also try to jump across the two in-board pins of the ASD which simulates a closed condition, which should fire up the coil and the fuel pump and then see if it starts and runs well or not. If not, then check the sensors, if it does run well then try substituting another relay for the ASD which is the front relay in the box. Don't drive it this way as it is not safe to do so.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Is it possible for the ignition switch or faulty key, To cause the problems I am having. I ask because I tested all components and jumped the ASD and still no run. and I am reading crank and cam Ok and in synch. I played with the Ignition and turned the Key over and Instant start. (yes it is confusing) I am using a snap on verus scanner. Thank you very much Roland. I will recommend this site to many of my friends.
AnswerHi Jeff,
In start you should have pin 10 (yellow) pin 9 (dark blue) of the gray plug showing 12V and pin 1 (black) showing grounded; AND pin 1 (dark green/red) of the black plug showing 12V.
In run position the same should be true except the yellow wire is now cold and the black wire no longer grounded, and pin 4 (black/orange) and pin 8 (black/white) of the gray plug will show 12V. To get to the switch you need to remove the wide panel under the column that includes parking brake release (detach the cable), then remove the shroud on the underside of the column.
So check that out and see if the switch is not working as it should.