Chrysler Repair: 94 dodge spirit: radiator fan, coolant temp, dodge spirit

I have a 94 spirit with a 6 cyl. mitsubishe engine.. the electric fan motor will not kick in to cool engine ...I changed the motor with a new one but the problem still persists.. electric fan motor still not kicking in when motor is hot... please advise...


Hi Joe,
You might want to start at the fan relay socket which is the rear-most of the three on the driver-side fender wall. The red wire should be 'hot' all the time, and if not then there is a 20 amp in-line fuse shown as being "near the brake and clutch switch" which I would presume is near the brake pedal. If that is found to be ok then there is an orange fusible link that is in a mult-link harness near the battery and that feeds that fuse which would be blown out.
If the red wire is hot, then if you have the ignition "on" and you short the dark blue/pink wire at the relay socket to ground the relay ahould close and the fan should power up.
If not then either the relay is bad (temporarily switch it out with another of the same type), or the dark blue 12V wire from the ignition switch to the relay is 'open' from a nearby splice but that is pretty unlikely, but check it nonetheless.
If the motor fires up when you ground the dark blue/pink wire, then that would suggest that the pcm is not doing its job of grounding the wire when the coolant temp sensor tells it to do so or when you turn on the AC which should automatically turn on the fan even without a hot signal from the coolant temp sensor. That connection of the dark blue/pink is to pin 31 of the pcm.
You could check the resistance of the coolant temp sensor with an ohmmeter and you should find it to read across its terminals less than 1000 ohms when the gauge is pushing toward the hot end. It is located next to the thermostat housing on the engine.
Also check that the black ground wire from the fan plug is connected cleanly to ground near the left headlamp. That pretty much exhausts the possibilities. Let me know if you don't find it or if you find something interesting.