Chrysler Repair: Crankshaft Position Sensor: 2.4L, crankshaft position sensor, crank pulley
QuestionQUESTION: I have a 2003 Chrysler Sebring that came up on codes to replace the crankshaft position sensor. I cannot locate it on this vehicle. 2.4L DOHC. If I could just find where it goes, I can replace it.
ANSWER: Hi David,
It is on the backside of the engine (the firewall side) near the drivebelt at the front and the oil filter. You will want to lift the right front wheel for easier access. It's held in place by a single screw and has an electrical connecter with a lift tab to release fitting. When you put in the new one make sure it has the paper spacer on the tip and that the tip touches the hidden surface that it 'senses'. Hold it there while you tighten the screw.
PS Sorry I forgot you said a 2.4L; what I discribed first was for the 2.7L
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Roland, Thank you for all your help. I am very mech inclined. I have the new sensor in hand, I have scoured all over the engine repeatedly. You may think I'm nuts but I still cannot find it. Is it possible it is behind/under the timing cover? This should be really straight forward. I know it has to get the crank signal somewhere.
AnswerHi David,
The '03 Sebring manual has a figure showing it to be on the right hand (firewall) side of the engine block at the level of the crankshaft axis, which would put it a few inches above the top edge of the oil pan. It looks to be about 6 inches back from the crank pulley that drives the accessory belt. If you have a replacement already that would help you to recognize it. It is directly down from the front-most bolt of the exhaust manifold. So use that bolt as a reference point and drop down from it to find the sensor. It is below and in front of the oil pressure sensor as well which is also screwed into the block. The bolt that holds it in place is horizontal. There are three wires in its plug and they are violet/white, black/light blue, gray black, and those wires split off from those that supply the plug for the oil pressure sensor via a common harness.