Chrysler Repair: O2 sensor: 3.8L 03, digit code number, vacuum hose
QuestionI have a 2003 Chrysler T/C minivan with the 3.8L V6. I have a code for the O2 sensor. Where is it located, is there more than one, what is required to replace, etc.? Hope you can help.
AnswerHi Steve,
On that engine there are two sensors, and the code should tell you which one is bad. A code for the 1/1 sensor would be for the upstream sensor mounted on the exhaust manifold near the firewall while a 1/2 would be the downstream sensor mounted on the side of the catalytic converter under the van. These have a similar appearance to a spark plug only with 4 wires coming from the tip, which are fragile. You will probably want to soak the theads with penetrating oil around the mounting hole overnight to loosen up any rust holding it in place. Then disconnect the wire connector and use a box end wrench to remove the old one, rocking it gently back and forth until the threads release. Screw in the new one, which should have some anti-seize compound on the threads or a capsule of same to apply to the threads. Screw in by hand and then tighten to about the same tension as a spark plug, 20 foot-pounds*. Reattach the wire connector and that would do the job. The code will erase after about 50 key on-off cycles, or you can disconnect battery for a minute which will erase the sensor code but temporarily set a 1684 code saying 'the battery was recently disconnected', but it too will pass away.
So get the specific 4-digit code number and the title of it will tell you which sensor needs to be replaced.
*If the new one will not thread into the whole easily you may want to get a 18mm x 1.5 x 6E tap in order to clean the old threads.
Also, if the upstream sensor is bad you will probably have to remove the battery and the battery tray to reach it. Also remove the vacuum hose from the cruise control servo and also remove the servo and its bracket and reposition it out of the way so you can gain good access to the sensor.