Chrysler Repair: 1997 plymouth breeze: no starter/dome light, solenoid switch, plymouth breeze

car worked fine came out of store and she wouldnt turn over. have lights  but that's it . not even a click from the cylenoid. what could  be wrong. Yesterday my husband tried to losen lug on battery and dropped wrench some sparks came out would that have done anything.. also when i put on my brake my interior light comes on haha.. help i think she's fallin apart

Hi Janie,
Given that history, I suspect that your battery is either poorly connected, has an internal intermittent open/short, is discharged, or is worn out and needs to be replaced (what is its age in comparison to its warranty?). The fact that the lights work just means that it has some voltage/current output ability, but not necessarily enough to close the solenoid switch, much less to turn over the motor.
On the interior lights, it that happens if you very gently step on the brake (just enough to turn on the brake lights, or when the car is not in motion at all) then you have an internal short involving the body computer. If it happens only when you use the brake and actually slow the car, then I believe that one of the doors is not latched tightly enough so that slowing causes the door switch that activates the dome lamp to behave as if the door has been opened. Try pushing out on all the doors from inside to see if you can cause the dome light to come on. If so, thighten the adjustment by moving the striker pin on that dooe.