Chrysler Repair: 3.5L 97 water pump removal, postal mail, xerox copy
Question97 chrysler waterpump removal 3.5 l.
AnswerHi Glen,
Unfortunately the pump is mounted in the front of the block in and behind the timing belt area. So you have to go through the process of removing the timing belt to remove the water pump and replace it. It is a good idea to replace the belt at the same time if it is getting 'up' in the miles and you may thus avoid havind to do the same job again later.
It is involved enough that you will need to have a manual such as the Haynes #25025. If that isn't available I can xerox copy and postal mail you the pages. It costs me 10 cents per side plus the postage to get those to you. But if you would reimburse me after you get the pages by means of sending me back stamps to cover the costs that would be fine. So see if you can get a manual, maybe at a local library or parts store first then let me know if you want the pages.