Chrysler Repair: chrysler 2.7L Code 0300, 0305, coil pack, new spark

i have a 1998 2.7L intrepid with a miss in number5 cyl. have replaced upper half gaskets, no sludge seen. all coil packs are new, new spark plugs, full synthetic oil, voltage to coil pack( havent metered yet) runs great mid range( 1200- 2000) @ about 2500 bad miss like @ idle, like a drag race when they intentionally cut a cylinder.could it be a injector? please help, there are all kinds of horror stories out there!

Hi Jim,
Because you have indication that it is localized to that one cylinder my thought would be to check the compression of that cylinder comparing it to one or two of the others. If that reveals nothing then in light of what you have done so far consider replacing the injector.