Chrysler Repair: blend door actuator: 03 LH, question thanks, fromm
QuestionQUESTION: I have a 2003 300m special, where is the blend door actuator located
ANSWER: Hi Mike,
It is on the bottom of the unit. So you remove the underpad silencer/duct for better access. It is on the left hand end of that underside of the unit and so is the mode door actuator. The mode door actuator is toward the rear of the car, the blend door actuator is toward the front of the car, but they are basically in line with one another. There are two screws accessible from the right side of the center stack, and one screw accessible from the left side of the stack. Pull it straight down, then note the position of the shaft actuator because it is keyed to the actuator and the two must mesh when reinstalled.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: thanks for the fast answer but what is the "bottom of the unit" and what is the underpad silencer/duct. do I have to take the dash completely off to do this? All this is fromm a code 23 from the self diagnostic and that is "blend door actuator feedback failure" so is that what i should be replacing? thank again.
AnswerHi Mike,
The bottom is the side that faces the floor and you can get to the actuator from the space between the bottom and the floor. There are on the lower edge of the dash a removable pad/duct that when removed will give you much better view of what I am describing. One on each side of the dash. The feedback failure may well mean that the actuator is not moving door.