Chrysler Repair: A/C Chrysler 96 LHS, compressor belt, faint odor

QUESTION: Hi Kevin...Last Sept I had to cut a brand new compressor belt because the bearing had went out on the compressor and it was slinging grease all over. Earlier in the year (around March) I had the compressor fixed at my repair shop. It wouldn't come on. After it came from the shop a/c worked for about 2 weeks. Then it was low on freon. They ran (supposedly) the blue die thru the a/c system but couldn't tell where it was leaking. Now needless to say I do not have a/c and the midwest summer has hit. I don't want to buy a compressor (repair shop said he get one for about $100. and work with me) (already have spent $350 and no air) What my question is was it possible the freon was leaking where the bearing went bad at? That would explain the leak and I would go ahead and get it fixed. But if that's not the case fixing leak could cost more than the car is worth. Any strategy you would use to diagnosis where this is leaking at.

ANSWER: do u smell freon when u start the car up and the blower is turned on?

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QUESTION: Kevin..I am not sure what freon smells like. I just went out and started it and ran a/c for a few minutes, didn't smell anything but then I have no compressor belt. I do remember smelling a faint odor of antifreeze last summer because I remembering feeling the carpet on the passenger side to see if it was damp or wet (another car I had the heater core went out thought might be similar??) Could freon leak out where the compressor bearing is?

need to have the belt on to have the freon pushed around by the compressor. If u mean they replaced the clutch there is a seal behind there but they don't mess with it  if they put dye into the system when it was added u should be able to see an external leak with a UV light.