Chrysler Repair: a/c - 95 Dodge 2500 Ram Van, public library system, state public library
QuestionThere is a leak in the evaporator coil. The coil appears to come out through the hood, but doesn't look easy. Is there a decent step by step guide somewhere I can get my hands on? I can evacuate and recharge the system, but you can't even see the screws holding the housing onto the firewall. I hesitate to tackle this without knowing more.
AnswerHi Jerre,
My suggestion would be to find a factory service manual (published by Chrysler Corp) that covers your van and year. I personally only have the mini-van manuals so I can't offer you copies of how to do it. But if you go to eBay and search specifically for Dodge Van Manual I would believe something that is applicable will come up. But be careful about price/shipping as there are many offers that are overpriced. You also might try your local public library to see if they either have or can find for you a manual somewhere in the state public library system and will send it on what is called an inter-library loan. The AC/heater system is always in Chapter 24 of the manuals. You would definitely want to have this as it gives the step-by-step procedures.