Chrysler Repair: 2002 Sebring power windows: only drivers switch works, fuse box, rear doors
QuestionI am able to operate driver and passenger windows from the driver's door with not problems.
I cannot operate rear windows from driver's door.
I cannot operate any of the windows from Passenger or rear doors.
I have changed the switch pod in the driver's door. Same problem.
Motors are working.
What could be the problem?
AnswerHi Paul,
I believe that the system is behaving as if you have the driver's lock/unlock" switch control set in the "lock" position (which prevents all the other switches from doing anything) OR the yellow wire from pin 5 of the driver switch which is supposed to show 12v in the unlock position is not showing that, and if it is then the yellow wire is disconnected between pin 5 and pin 1 of the black 10-pin plug on the bottom side of the junction block (fuse box under the dash).
So check that out, and of course the ignition switch has to be in the run position when you measure for voltage.