Chrysler Repair: LH body: ATC codes 23 and 32, voltage polarity, variable resistor
QuestionQUESTION: I own a 2000 condorde and am getting a code 23 & 32 off of dashboard reading. This has to do with the Blend Door Actuator feedback failure and Actuator stall failure. What is the repair for these codes. Thank You for Your time. Ron
Fortunately the Blend door actuator is located on the bottom of the unit just above the center tunnel. If you remove the left and right side underdash silencer/ducts you will have access to it. Remove two screws accessible from the right side and the one screw that is accessible from the left side. Pull it straight down and when you have disconnected the wire notice the position of the shaft because it is keyed to the door and you will want to have it in the same position when you reinstall the old or put in a new actuator. There is a position-sensitive variable resistor which would report the feedback, and there is an actuator motor. The variable resistance would be measured across pins 2 and 3 of the socket, while there should be 5v on pink/dark blue wire on pin 4 when the ignition is on. Pins 1 and 5 are controlled by the head unit and apply voltage to the actuator to move it clockwise or counterclockwise based upon voltage polarity. Also check the motion of the door itself as it could be binding up inside the air handling unit which would be seen as a stall.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: The Actuator and blend door are working properly. It is just putting out hot air and will not switch to air. Could the selector switch cause this problem. Last week it had cold air now it's hot.
AnswerHi Ron,
I am not certain what selector switch you are speaking of. Is this a digital readout automatic temp control unit, or a manual control conventional temp unit?
If the blend door is working properly and is being moved by the actuator to the extreme positions, and you only get hot air no matter where it is positioned, then I would question whether the AC compressor is working. If it is coming on at all then it should be causing the AC evaporator coils in the unit to turn cold and so when the blend door moves to force the air through those coils it will come out cold. So check the compressor to see if it is firing up or not when you ask for AC. You may be low on refrigerant which will automatically prevent the compressor from coming on, or you could have a bad fuse (check fuse B in the underhood box and fuse 21 in the fuse box behind the cap on the left end of the dash).