Chrysler Repair: Interchange of body parts: minivan, dodge caravan, chrysler town
QuestionWill parts like a hood and radiator interchange between a 1994
Chrysler Town and County and a 1996 Dodge Caravan?
AnswerHi Dave,
I have '93,'95,'98 manuals to compare. The '93 and '95 have the same engine compartment dimensions, but the '98 is different by quite a bit. So it would best be determined by looking at the two vehicles and making some measurements. I doubt the fact that one is Chrysler and the other a Dodge will make any difference. It should be pretty obvious when you look at any '96 to see whether it looks like a '95, '94 or '93, or not.
PS: I looked at web site and it does appear that there was a significant body change beginning in '96 so I doubt that the '94 body parts that you mention will interchange with a '96.