Chrysler Repair: 2000 neon stalls.... no check engine light, vacuum lines, butterfly valve
QuestionQUESTION: I have checked the injector splugs and wires. they do not seem to be the problem. the engine is a 2.0. it has become progressively worse.
It idles good but when in drive it stalls at stop signs. it sputters randomly when I am driving. it would only do this every now and then at it is almost a garauntee to stall at a stop sign.the aic was gunked up so I cleaned it but it didnt change anything. I hooked it up to a $6000 diagnostic and it threw no codes. I am at a loss so I took it to a mechanic and he was stumped too.... he suggested it was something with the speed sensor....but also added that my gauges should act up if this was the gauges work fine even while the problem occurs. any help would be greatly appreciated. thanx
ANSWER: Hi Shane,
I would check the egr valve to see if it might be sticking slightly ajar which will cause stalling when coming to a stop. I can't be sure whether you have such a valve on the 2000 engine. There apparently is not on the '01, but there is on the '97 which are the two manuals that I have for the Neon. Let me know if not and we'll try to find another reason.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: no egr valve..... I think the engine design is the same from 2000 to 2003. I really appreciate the help.. sometimes working on a car is like working on a riddle.... once you figure it out it seems so costs money when you geuss wrong on a car.
AnswerHi Shane,
Did you clean out the throat of the throttle body and both sides of the butterfly valve in the throat? That too can cause idle problems if cruddy. Aside from that you might want to verify the vacuum lines associated with the intake manifold as shown on the underhood sticker. Other than those, I would use the 'on-off-on-off-on and leave on' using the ingnition key and completing that in 5 seconds or less of apsed time, so as to do a self-readout via the odometer window for fault codes. Any relevant code should show up by that means.