Chrysler Repair: Sub Frame (Cradle) Bushings 97 Concorde, oem replacements, ebay auction

QUESTION: I saw your previous answer on this post regarding number of bushings.  Only the lower, rear bushing need replaced (state inspection) on my 97 Concorde and I do not see how the assembly comes out.  Also, the auto parts store sold me "Energy Suspension Polyurethane Universal Mounts" for the job.  Can these be used/mixed with the existing uppers or need I replace both upper & lower with these (or should I go spend $$$ to get Chrysler OEM parts).  What do I need to do to get a copy of the '94 repair manual pages you referenced?  Can the be attached to an e-mail.

Thanks in advance.

If you are speaking of the tension strut to cradle bushing, then you have to remove the entire lower control arm/tension sturt to do that. I don't have a document scanner so can only offer to xerox and postal mail you a copy of the relevant pages. Just give me a postal mailing address and I'll copy them and send to you. I can't advise on the bushings themselves not having such a vehicle or similar experience but I believe that if the manufacturer puts these forward for that purpose then they should work.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: They are the cradle/subframe to body bushings, not the tension strut to cradle bushings.  There are two rear (with upper & lower) and two front (again with upper & lower).  Here is a link to an eBay auction for the OEM replacements (for visual reference purposes).

Hi Bob,
There are 8 pages in the manual about removing/installing the cradle but without study I can't tell you specifically what you need to do to replace the rear bushings. But I will be pleased to xerox and postal mail you those 8 pages. The link didn't attach to your follow-up question.