Chrysler Repair: 98 Sebring Convertable burning oil, sebring convertable, seal leaks
QuestionMy 98 Sebring is putting out blue smoke when I accelerate. Now I know that usually means the care is burning oil. What would cause it to burn oil?
AnswerHi Jeremy,
There are two possible areas for oil to get into the combustion chamber: piston ring/oil ring gaps, or valve seal leaks. The former is in the block, the latter in the cylinder head. You can make a differential diagnosis by doing compression measurements on the cylinders: first as you find it after removing the spark plug, and then after adding about a teaspoon of oil through the spark plug hole. If the compression goes up, then that typically indicates the rings are bad on that cylinder, if not then that points to the valve seals.
So try that test and see what you learn.