Chrysler Repair: gas filter:98 LH body, gas filter, model factory

1998 Crysler intrepid.  How do I change the gas filter. There is a rubber casing on the rear gas line and can't budge it. Should'nt there be clamps securing it?

Hi Rebecca,
The '98 US model factory manual doesn't show an external filter that is removeable to have been used. Up to '97 the filter has "quick disconnect" fittings with two parts which are separated by means of a small two-prong tool (Miller Co. #6751) where the shoulder of the smaller fitting is pressed toward the body of the larger fitting. The overall fitting is a bit larger than the fuel line but not what I would describe as big. It is best described by means of a text with figures. I can xerox and postal mail you the 2 pages that describe the disconnect and reconnect of the fittings if this is the type that you have in use.
I am not sure that what you describe as a rubber casing is what is shown in the '97 manual but let me know a postal mailing address if you want the pages. The chances are that there may be no reason to change the filter as there is also a filter associated with the pump which is located in the fuel tank. Are you sure it needs to be changed?