Chrysler Repair: 91 Voyager ringing and blinking cluster, side kick panel, illumination lights

Hi Roland,my voyager has an electrical problem. Sometimes it dings and the
gauges quit and warning lights blink.I removed the dash and searched for a
ground, couldn't find one, cleaned all the ground connections under the hood
that I could find. Could it be a relay? Which one? Also, the heater loses heat
unless turning a corner or gassing on it, my Dakota does the same thing.
Thought it could be a vacuum problem but didn't find one. How do I get a
copy of the wiring schematic for the Voyager 3.3. Thank You

Hi Mark,
It appears that the wiring is identical for the mechanical or the electronic cluster so I don't need to know which one you have. I can understand your interest in the ground wire but it may be rather an issue with the digital data connections rather than the + or - supply as those data lines, when flaky, will cause all the gauges to quit and bells/lights to ring/flash. My thought is that it would be good do check the solder joints between the input socket and the circuit board of the cluster. I have heard of many cluster issues due to a 'cold' solder joint. The cluster has 14 pins, and digital data is involved on pins 3,5,9,10 so you might do well to use a soldering pencil to reheat those joints. Another 'test' of that theory would be to hit the top of the dash right above the cluster when the problem occurs to see if that corrects it.
The ground wires should be on pin 7 and 14 so check those to be 0 ohm to ground in resistance readings. Those wires attach to the ground point at the left side kick panel, in front of the driver side door opening.  The ignition switched power 12V is on pin 11.
Illumination lights are on pins 2, and 6 (variable), and pin 8 is the low oil pressure warning lamp.
Let me know if this doesn't produce results.