Chrysler Repair: suspension bushing:LH body, xerox copy, control arm
QuestionHow is the top nut attached to the frame of a 1997 concorde subframe bushing, and how to hold backup on nut. I understand this is very difficult but have found no good answers. Please help. Lee
AnswerHi Lee,
I am not certain what you mean by the subframe bushing. There is an engine cradle which has four bushings. I have the '94 and '98 manuals and they appear to be somewhat different so let me know if the cradle appears to be symmetrical from side to side which is how the the '94 is designed and I suspect applies to the '97.
Are the bushings of the cradle what you are trying to replace? There are 8 pages in the '94 manual that show how to separate the engine and cradle from the body structure which would appear to me to be what you need to do to replace the bushings. It involves an engine support bar that runs across the engine compartment and a floor jack to do the job.
Let me know if you want the pages and I can xerox and postal mail them to you. If you mean some other part's bushing tell me which and I can send the info about that. I would need a postal mailing address. You could send me back some stamps to cover my costs (10 cents per page and the postage stamp) which you could send me back after you get the pages.