Chrysler Repair: Overheating: 99 LHS, 1999 chrysler lhs, radiator core
QuestionMy 1999 chrysler LHS overheats when idle at stop lights or when left running will parked. Is this related to the cooling fan or the thermostatnh
AnswerHi Lee,
Do the fans come on when the temp gauge rises to about 3/4 or more of full scale? If not, then there is a problem with the fans or their control circuit. If the fans come on and it still overheats then the thermostat may be not fully opening, or their could be a problem with the flow of coolant through the radiator core, or air trapped in the system which reduces the flow of coolant through the system. But first, when the gauge is rising see if the fans come on at low speed and then see if as the gauge continues to rise do the fans increase their speed to a faster rate. Let me know and we'll go on from there. And also, tell me what symptoms there are that tell you that it is overheating.