Chrysler Repair: Fan relay location: minivan, radiator fan motor, location minivan
The instructions to replace the fan relay, says to take out the left head light and snorkel and the relay is on the enter head light panel.
Fist of all "left" driver or passenger?
I have looked both places and see nothing that looks like the replacement part I have
Thanks, Ray Garner
AnswerHi Ray,
This relay is a moving target depending upon the year model of the van. In '98 it was on the left side chassis rail inside the engine compartment on the driver side near the corner where the radiator support member joins the side panel. Remove the air intake box by the battery to gain access. In '90 it has moved to being under the headlamp module on the driver side which must be removed. and which also involves releasing the bumper fascia on that side. From '91 to '95 it is in front of the radiator on the bumper support crossmember so you remove the lower panel that spans the space in front of the radiator between the radiator support and bumper fascia. I can't be certain about years after that. Have you tried to "follow" the radiator fan motor wires, which should go to the relay?