Chrysler Repair: 2003 T&C 3.3/3.8L water pump removal, inch pounds, splash shield
QuestionTrying to remove the water pump for an '03 T and C with 3.8 liter engine. How do you get the pump to come down?
AnswerHi Vernell,
My '02 manual says that to get the space, you have to first remove the water pump pulley bolts, then rotate the pulley so that it meshes with the 'spokes' of the pump hub and then you can gain the purchase needed for removal.
Begin by removing the accessory drive belt splash shield so you can see the front of the pump/pulley. You remove the 3 water pump pulley bolts, then rotate the pulley so that its openings align with the pump hub "spokes" which allows the pulley to move inward toward the pump, Then rotate the pulley/hub so as to allow you to remove the pump mounting bolts. Then with the pulley loosely sitting between the hub and the pump body you should have room to remove the pump.
Install is the reverse. Tighten pump bolts to 105 inch-pounds, tighten pulley to hub bolts to 250 inch-pounds.