QuestionI have a question on how i can fix this. Im a single mom who is currently broke. I would like to try to fix this myself. after research I found out that it is my TCM Power Relay sEnse Circuit. What parts do i need to fix this, and how can I do it myslef? Thank you, please send me an email.
AnswerHi Athena,
The transmission control relay is necessary for the electronic transmission to operate. If it doesn't work, then the transmission will only run in 2nd and reverse.
The transmission control relay has 4 wires connected to it via the socket in which it is located. Hopefully one of those wires is either open or short circuited to 'ground'. You would need to remove the relay and using a volt/ohmmmeter go through the tests to find out which of the connections in the relay socket are proper and which one isn't.
The relay itself may be faulty so that would be another item to test. I don't have a Pacifica service manual so I am not able to tell you where you would locate it, but chances are there is power distribution box under the hood inside of which are a number of relays, one of which is the transmission power relay. So begin by looking in the box to see if there is an id for what each relay does (look on the lid of the box for a possible drawing of the box which identifies the relays). If you find it, then look at the other relays to see if there is another one that has the same part number. If you find one or more such relays, then choose a relay whose purpose is not so essential as is the transmission relay and exchange that one relay with the transmission relay. See if that has any impact on the problem.
If not, then it is one of the four wires most likely. I would believe that if you can identify an auto electric shop that is honest and has the wiring diagram for the Pacifica that such a shop can do the testing to figure out the wiring problem and without requiring significant labor time. You may be able to find a wiring diagram at which with the help of an amateur mechanic would resolve the problem. I can share the pages from a troubleshooting manual that lists the details of the test measurements that need to be made, in a generic format, which along with the specific Pacifica diagram would give such an amateur a good shot at it.
I can only respond to you through this site as I don't have access to you email address.