Chrysler Repair: No start no spark on 1995 b-2500 w/5.2L, crank pulley, signal wire
QuestionI have a no start no spark on this van. I cycled key and got codes 11(no crank signal), 37(TCC problem), and 54(no cam reference signal). I have injector pulse but no spark. Is there any way to singal out just crank sensor and not Hall effect in dist? My tools are @ shop and need to fix it right away! Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!
AnswerHi Mark,
I am not familiar with that engine but the two sensors can be checked with a voltmeter. They both will have a signal ground wire (probably black/light blue) and an 8V supply (probably solid orange or similar) and lastly a signal wire. So you could take fine pins and pierce through the insulation at the disconnect plug of each sensor to gain access to the wires. Just measure between the black/light blue and the other non-solid color wire (maybe tan/yellow for cam and gray/black for the crank?) and with the ignition switch in the run position turn the engine over by hand using the bolt on the crank pulley. You should observe the output to pulse between 5V and 0.3V as you turn the engine if the sensor is good. The fact that you are getting injector pulse suggests to me that the crank sensor is probably bad, because the cam is what times the injectors. But recognize that you are getting codes for both sensors.
But, remember I don't have a manual or experience with that engine.