Chrysler Repair: 2000 Cirrus 2.4: engine surges at speed, manual shift transmission, autozone
QuestionHey Roland, My 2000 Cirrus 2.4 "surges" while maintaining speed (55-60)on the flatland or downhill, with or without the cruise. Any thoughts? Thanks,Jeff
AnswerHi Jeff,
If by "surges" you mean the rpm goes up but not the speed, that would indicated a slipping clutch (convention clutch if a manual shift transmission or internal clutch if an automatic transmission). If an automatic then I would check the fluid level in the trans and if normal then get a fault code readout (free at an Autozone parts store or about $40 at an independent shop) to see what the trans controller might have logged as the reason for the surge (ask for the 4-digit fault code number). Let me know any codes and we can go from there. If your automatic trans fluid is low, use only ATF+4 and don't overfill it.