Chrysler Repair: 98 sebring convt.: fuse #4 under the dash is shorting out, night mirror, range switch
QuestionQUESTION: #4 fuse blows when car is put n reverse. New bulbs still blows. Any ideas?
ANSWER: Hi Keith,
Do you mean fuse #4 in the box in the engine compartment or fuse #4 behind the dash? And what bulbs are you changing out?
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Sorry. Hi. Replaced the actual back up lightbulbs. The fuse that blows is the fuse behind the dash. It will blow whenever the ignition is on and the gear selector is put in reverse.
AnswerHi Keith,
The fuse feeds thru the transmision range switch which when in reverse sends current to the left b/u bulb and right b/u bulb and if you have automatic day/night mirror to that also. The wire from the switch to the bulb is violet/black. The most likely short is at one of the bulb sockets so you could use an ohmmeter to see if the "cold" side of the fuse socket reads a short when the bulbs are removed or not. If not shorted when the bulbs are removed, then inserting the bulb in one of the sockets is causing a short and you will need to examine which bulb socket causes a short to appear. It should read an ohm or so when the bulbs are present, not 0 ohms, and of course if you pull the bulbs it should read infinite. All this of course you would do with the trans in reverse. So check the sockets for damage or 'crossed' internal contact wires. Otherwise the violet/black wire from the trans switch to the back of the car (or to the automatic mirror if you have that type of mirror) is shorted somewhere along the pathway to a piece of body metal.