Chrysler Repair: Cirrus Lxi trani wont engage when cold, transmission filter, lxi
QuestionI have a 1998 Cirrus LXI auto w/115k that when first started and put into gear, trani is not engaged in any gear or reverse. If I let the car sit and idle for a while it will engage and drive fine. This only accures at first start up and runs fine after that. Sometime right after "warm up" if I go from reverse to drive it will pause before movement.
Any feedback would be greatly appreciated, just trying to educate myself before taking it to a shop here.
Thank you
AnswerHi Billy,
Probably the internal fluid pressure is low due to either too low an amount of fluid (check the dip stick), a clogged transmission filter, or a failing internal fluid pump, or simply because the idle speed is too slow. So check the dipstick, and try idling up a bit with your foot on the accelerator and see if that helps. Then consider having the pressure measured/filter changed.
I just saw your question in the 'pool' to which it had been referred after 'shopteacher' dropped out of the service, apparently.