QuestionThe check engine light is on, and there is a pause(1 sec) before the transmission goes into first gear.
The codes are P1784, P1775, and P0700
AnswerHi Kerry,
The 1784 and 1775 both are related to the low/reverse pressure switch and/or solenoid circuit of the transmission, in the solenoid box. The 700 might be relevant in that it sometimes says there is a problem with the trans controller itself, but most times it just comes along 'for the ride' as it were as it also is 'set' when there are other transmission fault codes.
So my inclination is to focus on the solenoid box and deal with the low/reverse solenoid or its pressure switch circuit. I can give you the details of the possibilities to check out with a test meter in case it were simply electrical. The box can be opened and some mechanico/electrical parts substituted were it the solenoid or sense switch, or people seem to report that they are encouraged to replace the 'solenoid pack' as a whole. But I can't speak to the need for that as opposed to trying to get individual parts if that is all that is needed.
The 1 second delay is probably due to the fact that rather than shifting into first to start off, the trans is defaulting to 2nd gear as it starting choice.
In any case, the issue is not requiring removal/rebuilding the transmission, but rather servicing the control box on the side of the transmission the faces the front of the van.