Chrysler Repair: rough idle when stopped and air conditoner on, air conditoner, pt cruiser
QuestionQUESTION: Why does my 05 PT Cruiser start to idle rough when I am stopped and have my air conditioning on? The temp also rises when this happens. Then it settles down and everything is fine. This has started recently and seems to be increasing in frequency.
Thank you,
ANSWER: see if the rad fan works I just fixed one like this at work.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: I should clarify the temperature of the air coming out of the vents is not as cool as it should be when the rough idle is taking place. All gauges are showing normal.
After the idle returns to normal the air coming out of vents is nice and cold again.
Answerif the fans are not working the compressor will reach to high of pressure and U will make it shake. turn on the ac open the hood and see if the fans are coming on with in 10 seconds of the ac being turned on. The air will be cold for a few seconds until the pressure it to high then no more cold air.