Chrysler Repair: Transmission identification, chrysler dealer, transmission identification
Question I'm looking to replace a 1992 Lebaron transmission. It has a 3.0 with the 4 speed transmission 41TE/A604.
I found a good transmission in a 1995 van also with a 3.0 engine. However the transmission appears different with the most obvious difference the dipstick. The Lebaron transmission has a large dipstick embedded in a tube and the van transmission has a short dipstick in the right front that goes right into the pan.
What is the transmission in the van and will it work in my Lebaron?
Thank you for any assistance.
AnswerHi Will,
The solenoid box wiring assigments are the same. But I would have my doubts about whether it will work in the way a trans for the car would work. There are some differences in the wiring between the tcm and rest of the car which implies there are some logic differences. So if you want the definitive opinion I would suggest a Chrysler dealer's parts counter. I can't be certain when the name changed from A604 to TE41 but there are detailed differences that occur over the years without the main describer number changing.