QuestionI replaced the timing chain on my car.I am having trouble getting the timing set.i have the manual , it states wheeling
designed, 2.7L engine. Engine timing can be verified
by using the following procedures:
(1) Remove cylinder head covers. (Refer to 9 -
(2) Rotate engine until number one cylinder is at
TDC on the EXHAUST stroke.
(3) View the intake camshaft sprocket timing
mark. The mark should be 90° from the cylinder
head cover sealing surface (Fig. 113)on both right
and left cylinder banks.
(4) Count chain pins from the mark on the intake
camshaft towards the exhaust camshaft. Engine is
timed correctly when there are 12 chain pins
between the timing marks on the intake camshaft
and exhaust camshaft (Fig. 113).
(5) If marks are not correctly aligned, proceed to
Timing Chain and Sprockets for service procedures.
BELT/CHAIN AND SPROCKETS - REMOVAL. I have the marks 90 degrees at tdc as stated in the procedure.The problem is their is no way to line up the links on the timing chain at the same time the camchains are lined up.Am i missing something.Do they all line up at the same time ?
AnswerHi Mike,
Looking again at your question, the timing chain, with its three different color link demarkation points is correctly positioned if when you have cyl 1 at TDC exhaust, the single colored link is centered on the oil pump hash mark AND the cam sprocket marks are at 90 degrees to the cylinder head surface. Where are things standing with yours?