Chrysler Repair: 2003 Town & Country rear blower inop, blower motor, temp control

I have removed the panel and found no power going to the rear blower. The actuator for hot and cold seems to be fine as it moves when the temperature selector is moved. Manual Air. I've replaced the rear blower relay and checked and found power at the post for the relay. Do you have any suggestions? Thanks for your help.

Hi Dean,
You didn't mention whether you have the manual or automatic temp control unit; I'll assume the latter.
I would suggest that you have a helper try the rear blower while you listen/touch the relay while he/she turns on the rear blower switch.
If it doesn't then we have a problem with the circuit that controls the relay, but I suspect that it will. If the relay clicks, then I would check fuse 12 (25 amp) in the box. That may be why you aren't getting power to the rear blower motor power module (check at pin 1, red/black plug). If you get power to that pin, then the issue is the signal from the ATC controller to the rear module (pin 2 of the same plug from pin 8 of the black plug at the atc controller). I am working from the '02 manual which I believe applies to your '03.