Chrysler Repair: 2008 Chrysler 300, factory fog, lighting lamps

I need to replace a factory fog lamp, but the manual recommends that I take it to the dealer for replacement. How can I make this repair without spending time at the dealership.

. Disconnect and isolate the battery negative cable.
2. Open hood and remove the upper radiator closeout panel (2 and 4).
3. Remove the six upper fascia retaining fasteners (Refer to 13 - Frame and Bumpers/Bumpers/FASCIA, Front - Removal) .

4. Remove the headlamp unit (Refer to 08 - Electrical/8L - Lamps and Lighting/Lamps/Lighting - Exterior/UNIT, Headlamp - Removal) .

5. From behind the bumper fascia, disconnect the harness connector.
6. Remove two fog lamp unit mounting fasteners.
7. Remove fog lamp unit (1