Questioni have a 2000 t&c with the ignition hanging up. that is sometimes it will not rotate and start up. How do I without pulling the air bags out? 3ydc
AnswerHi Sherman,
Use silicon or teflon spray lube on the cylinder and housing. Try squirting that in the crack around the cylinder first before removing it.
What follows is from the '98 manual; if it doesn't appear to apply, particularly the part about the cover and shrouds, then I do have an '02 manual but it is more complicated such that I would need to xerox copy and postal mail it to you.
The lock cylinder removal has nothing to do with the air bags.
Disconnect the battery
Revove screws and them lower steering column cover (3 screws, 2 by the park brake release, one by the right hand end).
Remove the 3 screws on the under side of the steering column and drop out the under shroud.
Put the ignition in the 'run' position.
Then push in on the locking tab that protrudes out the side of the cylinder housing, and simultaneously pull out the cylinder from the housing.
Use silicon or teflon spray lube on the cylinder and housing
To install, do the reverse, being sure to have the cylinder in the run position so as the tab will re-latch and also that the fitting on the end of the cylinder will mesh with the ignition switch fitting.
Slide the cylinder in until the tap re-protrudes
turn the key to off
replace shroud and steering lover cover
reconnect battery
Once you have the cylinder out you can lube it or replace it as you choose.