Chrysler Repair: 95 LeBaron convertible leaking, lebaron convertible, rubber flap

The passenger floor is soaked. Have sprayed water but don't see any leaking in. My 16 year-old drives it and failed to mention it earlier.

Hi Sharon,
There are three possibilities. If the fluid on the carpet smells as if it has antifreeze mixed with it (open the radiator cap and smell the coolant), then I would believe there is a leak in the heater core inside the air distribution housing under the dash. If it just seems musty or moldy then I would suspect that the a/c evaporator condensate that drips off the fins into a pan for dispensing out of the cabin via the drain the passes thru the firewall is prevented from doing so due to a plugged drain. Both of these possibilities would result in wet carpeting in the front of the passenger area, near the firewall between the cabin and the engine compartment.
If the moisture seems to be mainly coming in via the back seat carpet and then spreading forward that is due to a plugged drain located under the rear 1/4-window. Here is a description of why that happens and how to correct it from under the car:
The bigger reason these cars get water in them is a plugged
drain hole. Half way between the rear wheel opening and the
back of the door on the inside of the frame rail is a rubber
flap. Its about a 2" square. They become stuck fast to the
rail. Feel along with your hand until you find it. Pull it free of
the rail. Most likely water will immediately run. Next tale a
coat hange and try to clear any debri build up in side. Check
them every month or so to keep them open and running. You
can check them by pouring water on the top where it meets
the body. That water should be channeled out those slots.
Once you get the problrm solved I suggest you pull the
carpet and dry things out. The factory carpet has a thick
rubber backing. The padding is glued to the back of the
rubber. The carpet will dry to the touch on top and the
padding will retain the water under the carpet and rust the
floors. While the carpet is out, you will see some channels in
the floor pan. Drill some small holes in these channels. This
will allow for any small amounts of water to drail out without
removing the rug. If you ever get soaked take out the rug and let it air dry.
Let me know once you have diagnosed which source if you have any specific further questions.