QuestionQUESTION: My alero starts up fine but there's no lights or brakes. After running for awhile and put into drive there's a clunking noise in the brakes it feels like and then the brakes and lights work fine. Any ideas????
ANSWER: Hi Heather,
May I ask for a clarification? Which lights don't work at first, then work later? And what do you mean by the brakes don't work? Do you mean they don't slow down the car, the pedal feels funny, the brake lights don't work, the wheels are locked up?
While I don't have any specific manuals for the Alero I may be able to give you an educated guess. Use the "thank/rate" tab below to get back to me with answers to my questions. There is a space for comments to which I will promptly respond.
May I ask you a favor? On that same page you see a question about whether I deserve a nomination for expert of the month. If you would choose "yes" to that question I would really appreciate it. The contest ends the today at 6pm CST so please do it now.
Happy New Year!
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: the dash lights dont come on when the car is started and the brakes work but don't work like they usually do and then after it's put into drive theres a clunking noise and the dash lights come on and stay on and the brakes work fine.
AnswerHi Heather,
By the dash lights I assume that you mean the illumination bulbs, not the red warning lights about things being wrong, correct? If it is just illumination is missing that may be a flaky illumination dimmer switch if those are the only lights that initially don't work.
The brakes are something else, because I don't know how you believe the brakes "don't work" if you haven't put the transmission into drive. What sort of brake effect is not present when you are standing still? How is it felt/sensed by you that something is wrong with the brakes? Maybe the brakes have locked the wheels stiffly so then when you put it in drive the binding up suddenly breaks loose?
That could be simply moisture on the brake pad/shoe surfaces that has frozen to the metal stopping surfaces against which they rub. Does it happen only when the temp is below freezing or does it also happen above freezing?
PS Please consider my request for you to use the "thank/rate" tab to give me a vote of confidence.